MIssion Statement

Our motto is ‘Futuros Principes Excolimus’, which means ‘Inspiring Future leaders’. At CSMS we are preparing our students to become the future solution finders to some of the most pressing problems in the world today. We want our students to be scholars, to have the highest aspirations, and to leave us ready to become the next generation of leaders in industry, science and culture.

Core Values

1. Academic

With a focus on traditional learning and excellent results, our academic programme is designed to challenge and excite the most ambitious students.

2. Determined

We are persistent in our approach; driven to deliver the very best teaching and achieve the very best results.

3. Inspirational

With an outstanding curriculum, guidance and academic opportunities, we’re committed to inspiring our students, teachers and community to be the leaders of tomorrow. Futuros Principes Excolimus.

4. Trailblazing

We are at the very cutting-edge of academia. With a research-based focus, experimental ideas and next-level studies, we’re inspiring our students to find solutions to problems that aren’t even conceivable yet.

5. Global

Everything we do leads to something bigger than ourselves. We pride ourselves on thoroughly preparing students for global careers through an unparalleled international programme.

6. Excellence

It’s in our DNA. Always striving for greatness, always striving to achieve the very best.