Nexus and CSMS are excited to announce the date of the second Cornish Schools Maths Olympiad – Primary. This event is for Year 5 and 6 pupils and will be held at Nexus on Wednesday 12th February 2020.

The event is a one day celebration of Mathematics and will include workshops, talks and an exciting competition.  The aim of the Olympiad is to provide a competitive and exciting environment for the young mathematicians of Cornwall to share their love of the subject.  The competition itself will take place in the afternoon having been preceded by talks by Nexus’ passionate and enthusiastic team and workshops run by some of CSMS’s fantastic Mathematics department. Here are some of the highlights from last year’s event:

The Olympiad offers an opportunity for those young Mathematicians with a passion for challenge and discovery to take on teams from across the county in competitive mathematics but also the forum and environment to discuss, explore and learn about this amazing subject.  The talks and workshops will give the students insight into the wonderful world of number, mathematical research and some of Mathematics’ most famous problems.

This event is open to schools from across the county and Headteachers of Primary schools have been sent information regarding applications and registration; teams of 4 students from Years 5 and 6 are being invited to apply. Children who are home educated can also get involved; please contact Nexus directly and we will arrange for them to join us. Emails should be sent to


“The children of Cornwall are exceptionally talented. We want to harness and celebrate that talent. This a fantastic opportunity for those students who are most passionate about mathematics to come together in a celebration and engage in some friendly and competitive challenges.” Mrs Belshaw, Director of Nexus and CSMS.