Information For Admissions Tutors
Cornwall School of Mathematics and Science (CSMS) is a part of the VI Form of Camborne Science and International Academy. It is an academically selective programme for students who are taking at least two of Maths, Further Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science. Students are required to go through a rigorous entrance process and achieve highly in their GCSEs.
The CSMS programme includes lessons targeted at the most able, extra-curricular activities, and has a culture of research where all students engage in their own academic research. Students often travel internationally to prestigious science and maths competitions through our role in the International Science Schools Network.
Camborne Science and International Academy (CSIA) is a 11- 18 state comprehensive, the VI Form has over 200 students, 23% of whom receive means tested Bursaries to assist with their studies. CSIA in an area of deprivation and low progression to university, however we gain excellent results at A Level and increasing numbers of our students progress to higher education.
COVID-19 Impact
During the COVID-19 lockdown from March 2020 the school was closed to the majority of students. Lessons were delivered remotely using “Google Classroom”. Teachers would set work that could be completed independently but were then online during the timetabled lessons to provide remote support via written comments.
In June and July, when the school was able to open to more students, we allowed some face-to-face teaching for our VI Form students. This was predominately for practical subjects which could not be completed remotely and for the Extended Project Qualification.