Medical Pathway

Medicine and Dentistry are very competitive courses. At CSMS, we aim to support aspiring doctors and dentists to be successful in their applications.

Future medics will find all the support they need in the Medical Pathway, with regular workshops carefully tailored to provide the knowledge and skills needed to prepare for the competitive application process.

Medical workshops focus on:

• finding and securing outstanding work experience placements
• exploring the role of medical ethics in modern medicine
• developing interview technique
• preparing for UCAT/BMAT entrance exams

 CSMS has a great support network as you get to know the teachers very well and you know they are always there to talk to about anything. When I leave CSMS, I hope to study Dentistry at university and I know I am being given every possible opportunity to achieve this.

Molly C, Alumni studying Dentistry at Cardiff University.
Achieving 4 A*s in Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Further Maths at CSMS.